
So - this is the week in which we all get to pre-order our Vision Pro devices - or are we?

I'll be honest, after seeing the first photos of people wearing Vision Pro - and reading about how heavy they are, I felt a sharp drop in excitement. Don't get me wrong, I will still try to get my hands on one (or should you rather say "wrap my head around it"...), but I don't see me using it for any extended periods of time.

On a related note - if you're planning to use Firebase in your apps running on visionOS, make sure to compile Firestore from source by using one of the following command lines:

Enable compiling Firestore from source and launch Xcode: FIREBASE_SOURCE_FIRESTORE=1 open /Applications/

Enable compiling Firestore from source and open the project or workspace in the current folder: FIREBASE_SOURCE_FIRESTORE=1 xed .

We've just added a warning /error to the build configuration, so in case you forget to enable compiling Firestore from source, there will be a log output that explains how to enable it. This will be in the next release of the Firebase SDK for Apple platforms (or you can use the main branch to enable this feature now).

Thanks for reading, and I will see you around!



Hidden Gems

This week, I don't have any hidden gem for you - since nobody submitted one.

Remember - I introduced the Hidden Gems category as an experiment for my readers (you!) to contribute and share articles, videos, libraries, tools, podcasts, or any other sort of content that they are really excited about, but which hasn't been shared widely yet.

If you would like to contribute a link for next week, here is the link to the submission form:

I'm looking forward to all the cool stuff you will submit!

Peter Friese  


Swift on the ServerSwift on the Server

AI and ML


Fun stuff