
As I am writing this newsletter, I am sitting in a hospital-turned-high-tech-office in Berlin, preparing the slides for my talk at DevFest Berlin tomorrow. If you see me, come and say hi! And if you don't manage to chat with me at the conference, drop me a line - I will be in Berlin for the next couple of weeks, and I'd love to meet up over a beverage of your choice.

The past couple of weeks have been extremely busy, and I am looking forward to all the exciting things that we will be shipping over the course of the next couple of weeks.

One project that was more work than I originally anticipated was making sure Firebase developers can revoke their users' access and refresh tokens for Sign in with Apple. Ultimately, it is just a single method call, but a lot had to happen behind the scenes to make this possible: from understanding the requirements, writing design documents, working with several engineering teams, updating the documentation, the sample apps, and publishing a video. I hope you will find the new API as easy to use as one of the people who commented on the video, saying "it is simple and clear".

Explaining things in simple and easy terms is one of my goals when creating content - be it videos, blog posts, or conference talks. This is why I was really happy to see Maxim outline her thought process for writing great talk proposals. I will definitely use her advice when submitting my next talk proposals - there are plenty of conferences coming up!

Speaking of which - if you have an idea for a talk, why don't you submit it to a conference? I've included a couple of CfPs in this episode. Even if you're a new speaker, I encourage you to take the step and give it a try - you might end up loving it as much as I do! And if speaking at a conference sounds a bit too scary - you can start by giving a talk at a local meet-up.

As always, I love to hear from you - if you've got any feedback, just hit reply.



AI and ML




Upcoming Swift / iOS conferences

It's that time of the year - many conferences have opened their CfP forms, so now is a good time to think about any talks that you might want to submit.

Here are some Swift / iOS conferences with open CfPs:


Computer History


Fun stuff