
👋🏻 Hi everyone!

The end is near... The end of the year, that is! I don't know about you, but time has been flying for me.

Just last week, I spent some time in London to record a bunch of videos in our studio - mostly for our Firebase Fundamentals series, but we also tried something new (which had me throwing my phone across the set)

One of the videos is about using Firebase Anonymous Auth and Account Linking to implement a smooth onboarding experience for your users. I will write about this in more detail in the next issue.

In other news, we've released an updated preview version of Cloud Functions for Firebase with a bunch of really amazing features (fewer coldstarts!) - read more about it in this issue.

To help us all be a bit more productive, I've linked to a couple of Xcode productivity tips & tricks you might not yet know about!

As always, I love hearing from you. You can get in touch with my by hitting the reply button in your email app, or send me a DM on Twitter (I am @peterfriese) or on Mastodon (I am

Thanks for reading, I look forward to hearing from you!


PS: In case you're wondering - I've moved this newsletter from Revue to Curated.








Fun stuff