
If you've attended any of my most recent talks, you might have noticed that - in addition to talking about how to create reusable SwiftUI components, I've covered more and more AI-related topics.

A few days ago, I had the chance to present a workshop about Genkit, Google's AI integration framework, at the WeAreDevelopers conference in Berlin. Genkit allows you to build powerful AI features and deploy them anywhere you can run an Express.js app - including (but not limited to) Google Cloud and Firebase.

I've been using this to build some AI features (like summarising blog posts and other technical content, or running Q&A against the contents of Firestore database) for a personal knowledge management app, and on August 6th, I will give a talk about how I made Siri smarter with Firebase and Genkit at the NSLondon meetup in London. The code I will present makes use of some of the cool new features in SwiftUI I cover in this issue of the newsletter!

I might also bring some stickers with the new Firebase logo...




Quality of life improvements for SwiftUI

In the latest release of SwiftUI, Apple introduced a bunch of quality of life improvements (check out the What's new in SwiftUI session, particularly the Ease of Use section.

Here are three additions to SwiftUI's previews that will make your life easier.



How stuff works

