
This week was a no-meetings week at Firebase, which was nice (I got a lot done) and strange (not seeing your colleagues face to face, just on chat) at the same time.

I did have a video call with Zamzam, though - we're working on a workshop about Cloud Functions that we will deliver at Appdevcon (May 9 - 12 in Amsterdam). If you want to learn how to Supercharge your mobile apps with Cloud Functions for Firebase, make sure to attend this conference. One of the things we will teach you is how to run Firebase on your local machine!

Next week, I will be in Oslo to deliver my talk "Building Reusable SwiftUI Components" at Apprise (March 23rd). If you're there, you can win an autographed copy of my book by liking and retweeting this tweet.

Thanks for reading - and if you see me at a conference, do say hi!

Peter đŸ”¥  


Computer History



AI and ML



